Installation for the Europa Nostra awards
status: built
team: Anca Cioarec, Brîndușa Tudor
collaborators: Atelier Vast
The installation proposes a series of exhibition panels for the Europa Nostra award-winning projects. The exhibition took place in the Hill Church in Sighișoara on the occasion of an international conference organized by the National Heritage Institute on the good practices of conservation of the European heritage. Thus, temporarily inserting objects into the space of the church in the context of a debate about what we can do with what we inherit seemed to us to be done only through a transfer process. We started by proposing to the new object to preserve something of the essence of the place and to show itself only as a good carrier of received and well recalibrated features to serve the new needs. The music of the church is also the music of the panels and even if they are meant to be itinerant, we think that they will inevitably keep some of the sounds of the place from which they started.
status: built
team: Anca Cioarec, Brîndușa Tudor
collaborators: Atelier Vast